Yin Yoga

What is Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga is an inward practice designed to build awareness, non-attachment, equanimity and contentment. Yin Yoga targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and joints of the body that are not exercised very much in a more active style of Yoga practice.

Unlike a moving vinyasa practice, Yin poses are held for 3 to 8 minutes. Going into deeper fascia of the joints and tissues need the combination of time and steady pressure to release fascial restrictions.

I have found Yin Yoga to be highly effective for relieving tightness and tension, especially lower back and hip. It is also a great compliment for anyone looking to cultivate a meditation practice!

I teach Yin Yoga at Baby Cobra Yoga and Everyone Yoga.

You can explore my catalog of classes on the YouTube channel for My Anatomy: Yin Yoga, a 75 minute Yin Yoga class I co-taught with Greta Heller through Poseurs Yoga.