holistic massage + Cupping


Massage therapy is the manipulation of the muscles and other soft tissues of the body by a massage therapist for therapeutic purposes to relieve pain, promote healing, or improve physical functioning. Massage techniques are applied with hands, forearms, elbows, and knees.

Massage therapy is used to treat issues of pain such as lower back pain, shoulder tension, neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica symptoms, plantar fasciitis, joint pain, and headaches. It can improve mobility and help with active sports recovery and injury rehabilitation. It can also aid in mental well-being by reducing stress, anxiety, and insomnia.


Cupping is a technique that uses glass, plastic, or silicone cups as a suction tool that is placed on the skin to break up stagnation by drawing up congested blood, toxins, and stuck energy to the surface. Fire is used to create heat for the suction in glass cupping techniques, but the flame does not go near the client. I use a non-flammable, organic jojoba oil. Where massage therapy applies downward pressure on the muscle, cupping lifts pressure off of the muscle.

Cupping is commonly sought out for its ability to relieve muscle tension, and is therapeutic for many ailments such as detoxification, energy work, and nerve-related pain symptoms such as sciatica and pinched nerves. Most often Cupping therapy is performed on the back, but can be effective treating shoulder, hamstring, gluteal, and calve pain. It is also used on the abdomen to help with menstrual cramping and digestion.  

I find this treatment highly effective and it satisfies those who seek out deep tissue work while being painless and very relaxing. It is a great compliment to any massage session or good on it’s own.

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